Privacy Concerns and Security Threats Surrounding Biometrics Systems
Vishnu Boddeti
IJCB Tutorial
September 15, 2024
Deep learning improves biometric recognition
However, it introduces new challenges
Privacy and Security in the context of biometric recognition
Privacy and security are mentioned interchangeably despite their differences...
Assuming access, what sensitive information can be learned?
How to gain access to sensitive assets?
There is no privacy without security
What are the privacy and security risks in the adoption of DL?
From Template inversion attack to Replay and Presentation attack
Template inversion attack on High resolution image
High resolution image reconstruction [SM23]
Template inversion attack on low resolution images
Low resolution image reconstruction [SHM24]
Template inversion attack enables Presentation attack
Presentation attack via digital replay and printed photograph
Presentation attack via printed photograph
Presentation attack via digital replay
Performance of GaFar+GC on ArcFace-trained FR systems
Template recovery attack and its consequences
What can SP learn from leaked comparison scores?
Template Recovery reduced to a simple optimization problem
- Optimization Problem
- Given $k$ fake templates $\{f_i\}_{i\in [1,k]}$, that are normalized $d$-dim vectors sampled at random, and their corresponding scores $s_i$ w.r.t. the same target $T$, find the recovered template $\hat{T}$ such that $\hat{T}^{^{\intercal}} \cdot \hat{T} = 1$.
- $\hat{T}$ is recovered from the following minimization
$$\underset{\hat{T}^{^{\intercal}} \cdot \hat{T} = 1}{\operatorname{min}} \hat{T}^{^{\intercal}} \cdot F - S$$
- Solution
Evaluation of the score distribution using recovered Templates
Evaluation of Attack Success Rate
$\mathrm{SR}(\theta, k) = \frac{\left|\{\theta \leq \mathrm{IP}(\tilde{x}_{\mathrm{rec}},y_{\mathrm{org}})\}\right|}{\left|\{\theta \leq \mathrm{IP}(x_{\mathrm{org}},y_{\mathrm{org}})\}\right|}$
Stricter thresholds lead to lower attack success rates.
How much knowledge does an attacker need for a successful bypass?
An attacker needs only between $75$ to $177$ fake templates to recover a $512$-dim target vector.
Evaluation of Image Reconstruction of the recovered templates
Takeaways of this part
- Cost-effective attacks
- Drastic privacy and security implications
- Lack of privacy and security controls leads to biometric leakage
- Mitigation of template inversion attack and template recovery
- Protection of templates and scores