Biometrics System Background
IJCB Tutorial
September 15, 2024
Traditional Biometric Recognition
Traditional recognition systems rely on the extraction of handcrafted features.
Geometrical Facial Features
Minutiae Features
Iriscode features
Traditional Biometric Recognition Pipeline
Pre-processing and feature extraction differ per modality
Traditional Face Recognition
- Pre-processing and feature extraction
- Face detection
- Face alignment
- Normalization
- Extraction of handcrafted features: i.e., eigenfaces, fisherfaces, local binary patterns, Gabor filters
- Comparison
- Distance-based comparison: i.e., Euclidean distance
- Classifier-based comparison: i.e., Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Traditional Fingerprint Recognition
- Pre-processing and feature extraction
- Fingerprint segmentation
- Local ridge orientation and frequency
- Fingerprint image binarization and thinning
- Detection and extraction of minutiae points
- Comparison
- Minutiae-based comparison: i.e., global minutiae-based approach and Minutia Cylinder-Code
Traditional Iris Recognition
- Pre-processing and feature extraction
- Iris segmentation
- Masking iris texture region
- Unwrapping the iris image
- Extraction of iris code
- Comparison
- Iris is sensitive to iris rotation angle that varies from capturing to the other.
- As mitigation, iris comparison requires calculating the minimum Hamming distance between the $1^{\text{st}}$ iris code and $n$ circular shiftings of the $2^{\text{nd}}$ iris code to the left and another $n$ shiftings to the right.
Limitations of Traditional Recognition Systems
- Handcrafted features capture only obvious patterns
- Pre-processing and feature extraction are separate procedures
- Each modality follows a specific processing and comparison
Those limitations affect the overall biometric recognition accuracy
Deep Learning-based Biometric Recognition
DL unified biometrics processing across modalities
Some DL-based Biometric Recognition Solutions
Biometric Verification task (1:1 comparison)
Do the reference and probe templates belong to the same identity?
Verification Performance Assessment
- Verification is assessed by measuring
- False Match Rate (FMR)
- False Non-Match Rate (FNMR)
- Equal Error Rate (EER)
- Verification performance can be visualized by the DET curve
Biometric Search task (1:N comparison)
Does this probe template belong to the reference DB?
Search Performance Assessment
- Search performance depends on the scenario
- Closed-set scenario
- Number of times the probe's identity appears in the list of potential candidates
- Visualized by the Cumulative Match Curve (CMC)
- Open-set scenario
- False Positive Identification Rate (FPIR)
- False Non-Identification Rate (FNIR)
- Equal Error Rate (EER)
- Visualized by the DET curve for identification
Effect of DL on biometric recognition performance
- DL combines pre-processing and feature extractor in single inference.
- DL-based feature vectors are distinctive fixed-length representations.
- Single vector-based comparison for all modalities.
- DL performance surpasses traditional handcrafted methods.